Huge shout out to Juan, and Vickie! (hope I spelled it right). she was the sweetest, most polite, welcoming person anyone could ask for when we initially showed up at the shop to drop off the vehicle. Throughout a few correspondences Juan was as helpful and as informative as he could possibly be. My misunderstanding on the other part, and a few issues on the side of my insurance provider. Did create some unnecessary frustration which I initially had taken out on Juan while picking up my vehicle. This was of no fault of his and I also would like again to extend my sincerest apologies to Juan. He remained completely professional and patient throughout all of our conversations. His level of professionalism was awesome and handling my situation. He also highlighted in his patience, my shortcomings and how I could’ve handled that situation better. I also want to thank him for that. As human beings, we tend to be more emotional during certain situations, and this was one of those times. I must say that overall putting all emotional side and objectively providing a review for this business, I would absolutely recommend the shop to anyone looking for a great team of people to get your vehicle back on the road!